Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My very close friend "C" has been making annual business trip every May with a group of about ten colleagues for the past five years to various places around the world. She always agonizes herself with the thought of travelling not for pleasure. Who can blame her - always the most junior person in the group (meaning she has to "take care" of her boss) and the only person to fly economy no matter how long the flight is.

Places "C" had travelled to for the previous four years:

2006 - Bariloche, Argentina
50-hour door-to-door travel for her return trip to Taiwan, ouch!

2007 - Kyoto, Japan
Got sick staying up really late to write business report

2008 - Madrid, Spain
Got many chances to practice her Spanish with the taxi drivers - "El recibo, por favor!"

2009 - Bali, Indonisia
Had her very first full-body massage, and very cheap too - 2 hours for US$18, tips included!

I myself have been to Kyoto and Madrid; never been to Bali yet (by choice) or Argentina, which might be "exotic" enough but at least I know someones (else) who have been there. HOWEVER... Are you ready???

Anyone who has been to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, please raise your hand!

For this trip, lots of money already spent before "C" left Taiwan - the single-entry visa to costs NT$9,900 (about US$300), and the economy round-trip plane ticket fare is NT$130K (or US$4,000). Ouch, feels like the Uzbekistan government is trying to discourage visitors... Of course, "C" did not return empty-handed. She brought back some very beautiful artworks:

Until her next trip, Uzbekistan will remain as No. 1 on the list of "You are going WHERE?".


Juliana said...

With your VERY busiest time of your life, I am amazed that you can manage to have 2 entries in this short of time! Love all the souvenirs are shown, and they are beautiful! (and my little pouch, too)
Hope to see you new coming entries soon...


wtsrudi said...

am sooooooos HAPPY to see this... and see photos of from Cecilia's trip...... would love to see them in person....

You guys are soooooo well traveled.....

see you soon....

SUE said...

@Juliana - thanks for the encouragement. Will try to write more often, but I am really a bad writer...

@Rudi - will upload more photos (with C's permission) when time permits. Really quite a colorful country.